
What is Your Dream?

Tarot Reading




Dream Interpretation




About Me




To request a dream interpretation just click the link below. 

I need a full description of your dream, including colors, feelings (include everything you can remember; fear, anger, happiness, etc), if it is light or dark, animals, buildings, etc. 

If you have a specific question you can put it in the body of the email, but it's not necessary.  The interpretation will address what is most important for you at the time you sent the email.

If you would like to send me a gift in exchange for the dream interpretation you can either send it to the address at the bottom of the page, or through PayPal to jennings@gobot.com (12-Volt Canadian).  But remember, it's not necessary.


Request a Dream Interpretation


I will do everything I can to respond within 7 days.


Naomi Piquette-Jennings 13028-83 Street, Edmonton, AB T5E 2W4